Paper Submission Format:

All submissions should be formatted as single-spaced, double column A4 paper size, according to the following templates available for download: LaTeX template [LaTeX template], or MS Word template [MS Word template]. Full paper submissions are limited to 10 pages in length, including references and figures. Accordingly, short paper submissions are limited to 4 pages.

Papers should be submitted in the PDF file format through EasyChair. Optionally supplementary materials (e.g., videos) can be uploaded as well (max 50MB).

Submission Closed

The review process is double blind. Submissions are to be anonymized (see the guidelines for anonymity below).

Anonymity Guidelines:

  • Remove author and institutional information from the author list on the title page.
  • Remove author information from all paper headers.
  • Remove clues from the main text that would directly identify any of the authors.
  • Your own published work that appears on mainstream (including online) and are available for the reviewer must be cited in the third person, in a manner that is not traceable to the identity of the authors. For example: “In [3], Mountain and River have proposed …” is acceptable, whereas “In [3], we have proposed …” is not, when reference [3] is listed such as “IEEE Trans. PAMI, 6(6):721-741, November 1984”.
  • Anonymize your PDF file. Note that PDF creator programs may accidentally leave Author information in the file header.
  • Failure to comply with the above requirements will result in automatic rejection of the paper.

Final Camera-Ready Paper Submission:

All camera-ready papers should be formatted according to the following templates available for download: LaTeX template, or MS Word template.